Can Cedarwood Oil Kill Fleas on Your Cat?

Fleas can be a bothersome problem for cat owners, but not all flea control products are effective or safe. Cedarwood oil is a natural alternative that has been vet reviewed…

What to Say to Someone Mourning the Loss of Their Cat

Losing a cat can be a devastating experience for someone. It is important to know how to support them during their grieving process. Understanding their emotions and offering the right…

Is Your Cat Suffering from a Food Allergy? Diagnosis and Treatment Strategies for Pet Guardians

A food allergy in cats refers to an adverse reaction caused by the immune system to a specific protein in their diet. Common food allergens for cats include beef, fish,…


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Is It Safe for Dogs to Consume Oranges?

By Howard Marcin

Oranges can be a delightful and nutritious fruit for humans, but can our canine companions also enjoy this citrus treat?…

After Thirteen Surgeries He Has No Grudges Despite What His Addicted Owner Did.

By Teresa Harper

There was a dog whose life was like a nightmare. His owner,…


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