Brave Dog Overcomes Battle Scars, Discovers Love After 4 Years Long Shelter Stay

By DENIS 3 Min Read

Cilly is a dog who’s been through a lot. After a serious fight with another dog, he was hurt very badly, but now, he has good news to share. He’s found a home after waiting for years.

Four years back, Cilly ended up at the Stray Rescue of St. Louis. Someone found him hurt at a crossroad. He had been in a horrible fight which left him with a big, open injury on his neck and side, his body swollen and parts of his skin dead.

This was in 2020. Image credit: Stray Rescue of St. Louis
They wrote: “Our poor baby Cilly is so grateful for his prayer blanket. His swelling is going down, and the Necrotic skin was taken off (photos too graphic to post), but he is healing. His body is still septic and he is very uncomfortable. But we will have him smiling again soon. We know he can make it through this.”
Image credit: Stray Rescue of St. Louis

The shelter in Missouri took great care of Cilly in their clinic. He got better over a few months. The care he got was special. He needed new bandages every day and small tubes to help heal. They even used fish skin to fix his large injury.

Image credit: Stray Rescue of St. Louis

When Cilly was finally better, he was all set to be adopted. He did spend some time in different homes for a bit, but he kept waiting for his own family to take him home for good. And then Xavier showed up. Xavier visited Cilly a few times. He wanted to make sure they were right for each other. And in April, Xavier decided to adopt Cilly.

Cilly was adopted by Xavier
Image credit: Stray Rescue of St. Louis

The Stray Rescue of St. Louis told everyone the good news in a Facebook post on April 27, 2024. They said, “We are so happy to tell you that while he waited a long time, he finally found the person he’s been looking for.”

This heartwarming story reminds us of the love and patience needed for animals who have had a tough life. Cilly’s journey from a critical condition to a loving home is a message of hope for other shelter animals still waiting for their happy endings.

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I simply love Animals. I am also a huge David Attenborough fan.
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