In the wee hours of the morning, the Odessa Police Department in Texas had a walk-in they’ll never forget. A good boy trotted in to let them know a dog was missing—and that dog was him!

Sergeant Rusty Martin was among the officers who greeted the furry visitor. Turns out, the dog seemed more overjoyed and playful than your typical lost pooch. While they were figuring out what to do, there was some fun to be had, tossing a tennis ball around the lobby.
ID tag? Nope, it was nowhere to be found on his collar. Microchip? They’d have to wait for animal control to arrive for that one.
But as it happens, this smart cookie wasn’t going to wait around. Before anyone could blink, he decided he’d been away long enough and headed for the hills—or more accurately, home, which was about a mile away from the station.

The next day, the owner rang up the police to let them know his adventurous dog, Chico, had made it back to the pack. Talk about solving your own case! Way too adorable.