Now here’s a tale that sounds more like a family legend than real life. Picture this: a pet tortoise, Manuela, goes missing in 1982 and turns up 30 years later, not just alive but chilling in an attic! Sounds unbelievable, right? But that’s exactly what happened in Nathalye De Almeida’s family.
Growing up, Almeida heard her mom’s stories about Manuela, the family’s cherished tortoise from the early ’80s. But these stories always had a bittersweet note – because one day, when Almeida’s mom was just eight, Manuela vanished. Everyone thought she’d wandered off, lost forever. But oh, how wrong they were.
Fast forward to 2013. Almeida’s grandfather passed away, and the family gathered at her mom’s childhood home to sort through his things. The attic, a jumble of memories and clutter, was a treasure trove of the past. And as they cleared out the space, someone spotted something unbelievable in an old wooden speaker box – a tortoise! And not just any tortoise, but Manuela, back from her unintended attic adventure.
The survival story here is nothing short of miraculous. For three decades, Manuela had been holed up in that attic, surviving on termite larvae amidst the clutter. Her family was over the moon to find her still alive and well.
Today, nearly a decade after this incredible discovery and 40 years since her disappearance, Manuela is thriving. Almeida has taken over her care, ensuring that Manuela’s days are filled with much more than just attic adventures.

Almeida admits she still gets bombarded with questions about Manuela and her mind-boggling survival. How did she manage to live so long in such conditions? Well, that remains a mystery. But one thing’s for sure – Manuela was never forgotten, always holding a special place in her mom’s heart.